Sunday, December 1, 2013

みなさん、感謝際 (Thanksgiving)はどうでしたか。私の休みはよっかたですよ。ごりょうしんのうちでトルコをたべてゲームをしました。でも、べんきょうしませんでした。

I hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving break! Finals are coming up soon and it's almost that time during every semester when we sleep the least and study the most.

Something I like to do when I study for long periods of time is to take short breaks between chapters or concepts so I don't get too tired and fall asleep or lose my concentration. Last year I picked up an anime for finals week, 翠星のガルガンティア (Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet), and watched an episode as my breaks between studying.

I was thinking of doing the same thing this year and was hoping someone could recommend something to take my mind off of studying. Optimally something not too long so I don't end up watching the whole thing instead of studying haha.

If anyone is interested in doing the same thing I just finished watching 神さまのいない日曜日 (Sunday Without God). While it wasn't the greatest show I've seen, the music was outstanding and the setting of the story was just unique and interesting enough to keep you glued to the screen. They do a great job of ending every episode on an emotional cliff hanger. The beginning and ending arcs of the show are the best in my opinion (though the show is pretty emotional throughout), so if you decide to watch it make sure to stick with it through some of the slower parts!

Good luck during the upcoming two weeks and on finals. がんばって!!!

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